It has been while when we saw Karate in Olympics. Let`s refresh the memories of biggest platform of Karate.

He had got Gold medal over Damián Quintero of Spain the Final match of Men`s Individual Kata.

Sandra Sánchez(Spain)

She had got Gold medal over Kiyou Shimizu of Japan the Final match of Women`s Individual Kata.

Ivet Goranova (Bulgaria)

She had got Gold medal over Anzhelika Terliuga of Ukraine in  the Final match of Women`s Individual Kumite -55 KG.

Jovana Preković (Serbia)

She had got Gold medal over Yin Xiaoyan of China in  the Final match of Women`s Individual Kumite -61 KG.

Feryal Abdelaziz(Egypt)

She had got Gold medal over Irina Zaretska of  Azerbaijanin  the Final match of Women`s Individual Kumite -61 KG.

Ryo Kiyuna(Japan)

He had got Gold medal over Damián Quintero of Spain the Final match of Men`s Individual Kata.

Steven Da Costa(France)

He had got Gold medal over Eray Şamdan of Turkey in the Final match of Men`s Individual Kumite -67 KG.

Luigi Busà(Itlay)

He had got Gold medal over Rafael Aghayev of Azerbaijan in the Final match of Men`s Individual Kumite -75 KG.

He had got Gold medal over Tareg Ali Hamedi of  Saudi Arabia  in the Final match of Men`s Individual Kumite +75 KG

There are multiple other Karatekas are their who are equally good. We support them and respect them.

In next stories we will cover Silver and Bronze medalist of Olympics and also rest of the participant of Olympics in Karate event.