Election for the post of President of the World Karate Federation at the WKF Congress being held in Konya (Turkiye).

Mr. Antonio Espinós re-elected as WKF President for the period 2022-2028.

Picture Credit:   World Karate Federation

he receive a vote of  94 delegates out of a total of 99 representatives with voting rights

Picture Credit: World Karate Federation

“It is an honour to have received such strong support from the WKF Congress to continue heading the organisation for six more years.

He  said

“I am ready to continue devoting my commitment to the progress of Karate. I will have the energy and the strength to keep on working for Karate.”

He also said

“Karate is now a universal, modern, and exceptional sport. We have many successes to celebrate but we have many more milestones still to accomplish,”

Espinós added

“Karate is now a universal, modern, and exceptional sport. We have many successes to celebrate but we have many more milestones still to accomplish,”

Espinós added

A civil engineer by trade, Antonio Espinós was a former national Karate athlete and is a 6th-dan Karate black belt.

He has received many recognitions  in the sport, including Spain’s Gold Royal Order of Sporting Merit, Japan’s Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, and the World Fair Play Trophy etc

Credit of all data that is text and picture:  World Karate Federation(WKF)

Credit of picture: : Google